Zumeta Contributes Foreword for Most Recent American Educational Research Association Publication
Posted: 4/30/2023 (CSDE Research)
CSDE Affiliate Bill Zumeta wrote the Foreword for the most recent volume on Volatility in State Spending for Higher Education from the American Educational Research Association entitled “Foreword: Public Higher Education Must Broaden Its Responses to Salvage Its Public Mission,” pp. xi-xxv. The piece was adapted (and updated) from a keynote address he gave at an AERA-sponsored conference with the same name as the book’s title. The original conference was held at the University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, on June 4-5, 2018. The funding volatility issue is a serious and perennial one affecting public higher education, which tends to suffer more than other state-supported functions from budget cuts when states experience revenue declines during and after recessions (or pandemics). The volume contains a number of research studies of relevant factors and policy proposals. Bill’s contribution is an introductory essay on the research and policy challenges.